Symplocos setchuensis
Brand, Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 29(3-4): 529. 1900. (Bot. Jahrb. Syst.)
Li, Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 43: 109. 1953. (J. Wash. Acad. Sci.)
Symplocos ilicifolia Hayata
Symplocos glomeratiflora Hayata
Bobua glomeratiflora (Hayata) Kanehira & Sasaki
Bobua ilicifolia (Hayata) Kanehira & Sasaki
Symplocos congesta Benth. var. glomeratiflora (Hayata) YingYing, Technical Bulletin of the experimental forest of National Taiwan University 116: 554. 1975. (Tech. Bull. Exp. For. Natl. Taiwan Univ.)
Symplocos lucida auct. non Sieb. & Zucc.
Symplocos glomerata King ex Clarke var. glomeratiflora (Hayata) S. S. YingS. S. Ying, Cloured illustrated flora of Taiwan : Includes introduced species 2: 578. 1987. (Col. Ill. Fl. Taiwan Intr. Pl.)
中團花山礬. 團繖花山礬. 冬青葉灰木.
英Glomerate-flower sweet-leaf. Setchuan sweet-leaf.
日やまき. くろき. たまざきはいのき. もちばはいのき.
Lu, Ou & Lu, Illustrations of Trees of Taiwan 2: 151. 1998. (Ill. Tr. Taiwan)
Yang, A list of plants in Taiwan . 1982. (List Pl. Taiwan)
- Evergreen trees; twigs green to brown tinged violet, terete or ridged, young twigs green, distinctly ridged below petioles, glabrous; terminal buds ovoid, apex acute to acuminate, 6–10 mm long, glabrous except margin of scales ciliate margin of scales.
- Leaves glabrous, elliptic, narrowly elliptic or ovate, (4–)7–10 cm long, (1.5–)3–4 cm wide, apex acuminate to caudate, with apiculate tip, base attenuate, margins recurved, crenate-serrate, with teeth 2–8 mm apart, midrib prominent on both surfaces, nerves 6–12 pairs, meeting in an intramarginal veins, petioles glabrous, 5–10 mm long.
- Inflorescences axillary, a contracted spikes, branched at base, to 1 cm long, bracts triangular to ovate, keeled, persistent, apex acute, densely pilose 2.5–3 mm long, bracteoles 2, persistent, ovate to orbicular, keeled densely pilose, apex acute or rounded, 1.5–2 mm long. Calyx tube glabrous, ca. 1 mm long, limb 1.5–2 mm long, 5-lobed, lobes imbricate, glabrous or sparsely pilose, margin ciliolate; corolla 3–4 mm long, deeply 5-lobed, lobes elliptic; stamens pentadelphous, 30–40; disc densely pilose; style ca. 3 mm long, pilose, ovary 3-locular.
- Fruits ovoid to cylindrical, 5–8 mm long, crowned by calyx lobes; stone 3-locular, mesocarp woody.
- 台灣 : only in the northwestern at 400–1,600 m altitude.
- 世界 : Continental China.
TAIPEI: Chihsingshan, Yang 632, Yang 1240; Wuchihshan, Huang & Yang 1908; Tsuchihu, Tateishi et al. 16361; Sozan, Sasaki, s. n.; Hsitzu, Yang 4503. TAOYUAN: Mt. Hakukotaizan, Mori 2688 (Type of S. ilicifolia); Peichatienshan, Wang s. n. HSINCHU: Mt. Karizenzan, Sasaki s. n. TAICHUNG: Rengechi (Lienhuachih), Keng et al. s. n.; Takeng, Ou et al. s. n. NANTOU: Chushan, Liu s. n.; Hsitou, Chen s. n., Su et al. 6961. CHIAYI: Alishan, Sasaki s. n. (Type of S. glomeratifolia).
共有 24 份典藏標本
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