Deutzia 溲疏屬
Deciduous shrubs, rerely evergreen, the branches opposite, the pubescence often stellate. Leaves opposite, short-petiolate, serrate, estipulate, Flowers white, or pink, solitary and axillary or terminal, in panicles or cymes, epigynous; calyx-tube adnate to the ovary, the lobes 5, small; petals 5, valvate or imbricate; stamens 10, rarely more, subepigynous, shorter than the petals, the filaments usually broadly winged and toothed at apex, the two whorls often of different size and shape; ovary inferior, 2–5-celled, globose or ovoid, truncate at apex; ovules numerous, axillary. Capsule 3–5-celled, longitudinally and septicidally dehiscing into 3–5 valves; seeds numerous, minute, ovoid-ellipsoid; testa membranaceous, reticulate, produced into a point at the apex and a short stalk at the base.
About 50 species, mostly in the Himalayas and eastern Asia, two in Mexico; three species in Taiwan.
- KAO, MUH-TSUE, Flora of Taiwan, second edition 3: 40. 1993. (Fl. Taiwan 2nd edit.)
- Lu, S. Y., Quarterly journal of Chinese forestry 18(4): 77-83. 1985. (Quart. J. Chin. For.)
- Deutzia cordatula 心基葉溲疏
- Deutzia crenata var. siebaldiana
- Deutzia crenata 齒葉溲疏
- Deutzia glabrata 光萼溲疏
- Deutzia gracilis
- Deutzia gracilis var. typica
- Deutzia grandiflora 大花溲疏
- Deutzia hayatai 蘭嶼溲疏
- Deutzia hypoleuca
- Deutzia lemoinei
- Deutzia longifolia 長葉溲疏
- Deutzia omeiense
- Deutzia parviflora var. ovatifolia
- Deutzia parviflora 小花溲疏
- Deutzia pulchra 大葉溲疏
- Deutzia scabra var. plena
- Deutzia sieboldiana
- Deutzia sieboldii
- Deutzia taiwanensis 台灣溲疏