Rhynchotechum 同蕊草屬
Subshrubs or small shrubs, terrestrial, branched or unbranched, often with dense indumentum. Leaves opposite, rarely alternate, petiolate; blade oblong or elliptic. Cymes axillary, pedunculate, branched 2–4 times, often many-flowered; bracts 2, opposite, entire. Flowers pedicellate. Calyx 5-merous, divided to base, persistent. Corolla white to reddish, glabrous, widely tubular, tube shorter than limb, limb indistinctly 2-lipped, upper lip 2-lobed, lower lip 3-lobed. Disc ring-like, or wanting. Stamens 4, fertile, included, adnate usually near corolla base; filaments linear; anthers subglobose, free; thecae parallel, dehiscing longitudinally, confluent at apex; staminode 1, or wanting. Gynoecium exserted; ovary ovoid, 1-loculed, placentas parietal, 2, projecting inward, 2-cleft; style longer than ovary; stigma depressed-globose. Berry subglobose. Seeds ovoid to ellipsoid, without appendages.
Approximately 14 species, distributed in southeast Asia and the Pacific; two species in Taiwan.