Asarum 細辛屬
Perennial herbs. Rhizomes short or elongate, creeping or ascending, hairy or glabrous. Adventitious roots many along rhizome. Cataphylls leafy or scaly, sessile, membranous, hyaline, caducous, on the lower part of annual vegetative or flowering branches. Leaves petiolate; petioles long, grooved or flat, margin thickened, hairy when young, gradually deciduous; blade ovate or triangular, cordate at base, usually albo-maculate above, pale green or purple beneath. Flower solitary, pedicellate; sepals 3, free at base or not; calyx tube ridged inside or not, constricted above forming an orifice; orifice with rim appendage or not; appendage present or not between orifice and calyx lobes; calyx lobes 3; stamens 12 in two whorls; filaments longer or shorter than connective; ovaries 6, inferior or superior, fused; styles 6, fused or free, bi-lobed at apex or not; stigma terminal or lateral. Fruit a capsule, calyx persistent. Seeds many, ovate.
About 90 species in the northern temperate zone, with the center of distribution in China and Japan; Six species in Taiwan.
- HOU, DING, Flora of Taiwan, second edition 2: 642. 1996. (Fl. Taiwan 2nd edit.)
- Maekawa, F., Journal of Japanese Botany 53: 289-299. 1978. (J. Jpn. Bot.)
- Cheng, C. Y. and C. S. Yang, Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 64: 565-597. 1983. (J. Arnold Arbor.)
- Huang, S. F., T. H. Hsieh and T. C. Huang, Taiwania 40(2): 91-120. 1995.
- Asarum acuminatum
- Asarum asaroides
- Asarum blumei 杜衡
- Asarum canadense 加拿大細辛
- Asarum canadense var. acuminatum
- Asarum caudigerum 薄葉細辛
- Asarum caulescens 雙葉細辛
- Asarum chatienshanianum 插天山細辛
- Asarum crassusepalum 鴛鴦湖細辛
- Asarum epigynum 上花細辛
- Asarum europaeum 歐細辛
- Asarum hypogynum 下花細辛
- Asarum macranthum 大花細辛
- Asarum pubitessellatum 風美細辛
- Asarum satsumense 薩摩細辛
- Asarum sp.
- Asarum taipingshanianum 太平山細辛
- Asarum tawushanianum 大武山細辛
- Asarum villisepalum 神秘湖細辛
- Asarum yaeyamense 八重山細辛