Herbs, undershrubs or shrubs, or lianas, woody stems often with broad medullary rays in transverse section. Leaves simple, alternate, exstipulate, petioled; blades entire or lobed, sometimes polymorphic, the nervation palmate or pinnate. Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic or zygomorphic, solitary, fasciculate, or often in axillary, racemose inflorescences, pedicelled, bracts or bracteoles often present. Perianth (calyx) usually lurid, petaloid, gamosepalous, variously 3-lobed, or unilateral (or 1-lipped). Petals absent, rarely with 1 or more vestigial ones (Asarum). Stamens 6 or 12, in 1 or 2 whorls, free or adnate to the style column, sessile or filamentous; anthers extrorse, dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary inferior, half-inferior, or nearly superior, 6-loculed, with parietal or axial placentae; ovules often many, anatropous, in 2 vertical rows in each locule; styles 6, free, or united into a column and free or (3-) 6 (or more)-lobed at the apex; stigmas terminal or lateral. Fruit a capsule or a berry-like capsule. Seeds often many, flat (upper side) or concave-convex (under side); endosperm fleshy, copious; embryo minute, cotyledons two, distinct.
A family of about seven genera containing about 600 species, chiefly in tropics and subtropics, some in the north temperate zone. Two genera with 11 species in Taiwan. Some species are esteemed for medicinal uses.