Strobilanthes wallichii
Nees, Plantae Asiaticae Rariores 3: 87. 1832. (Pl. Asiat. Rar.)
Huang & Wang, Taiwania 54(1): 93. fig. 1-3. 2009.
- Perennial herbs, ca. 40 cm tall. Stems erect, sometimes decumbent, rooting at nodes, much branched, quadrangular, glabrous or sometimes pubescent on the angles.
- Leaves chartaceous, ovate-oblong, subisophyllous, 3.5-10 cm long, apex acuminate to obtuse, base gradually narrowed, margins serrate, hirsute or glabrous, lateral nerves 4-6 per side; petioles 5-15 mm long. Spikes very crowded, 1-3-flowered.
- Bracts folious, hirsute or glabrous, ovate to subdeltoid, uppermost ones often smaller, ovate, ca. 4 mm long, 3 mm wide, others 10-15 mm long, 10-15 mm wide; bracteoles 2, linear-oblong, 2 mm long or sometimes absent. Calyx 1-1.8 cm long, elongated to 2 cm when fruiting, deeply 5-divided, segments linear, glabrous, fused at the base. Corolla purple, campanulate, ca. 3.5 cm long, glabrous or with minute lines of hairs within, lobes 5, round. Stamens 4, didynamous, longer filaments base coherent to corolla with membrane, free part ca. 4 mm long, hirsute, glabrous near top; shorter filaments 2 mm long, glabrous; anthers oblong-linear, 2 mm long. Style filiform, ca. 1.3 cm long; stigma subulate, pubescent with glandular hairs.
- Capsules linear-fusiform, 1.5-1.8 cm long, glabrous. Seeds 4, compressed-ovate, ca. 2-3 mm long, appressed pilose.
- 台灣 : on semi-shaded and wet slope or roadside, from medium to high altitudes (1,200-2,500 m) in central and northern parts of this island.
- 世界 : From Nepal to SE China.
TAOYUAN Co.: Lalashan, Oct. 3, 1930, S. Sasaki s. n. (TAI). HSINCHU Co.: Chenghsipao, alt. 1850-2200 m, Jul. 16, 1999, K. C. Yang 1816 (HAST); en route from Chilan to Yuenyang Lake, alt. 1600 m, Dec. 16, 1990, C. I Peng 13608 (HAST); Yuenyang Lake, alt. 1670 m, Oct. 18, 1993. Y. F. Wang 842 (TAI). TAICHUNG: Pahsienshan, alt. 2300 m, Jul. 21, 1999, J. C. Wang 11059 (TAIF, TNM, TNU). NANTOU Co.: Juiyenhsi Forest Reserve, Jun. 29, 1999, Y. P. Cheng 2685 (TAIF). CHIAYI Co.: Mienyueh, alt. 2500 m, Oct. 28, 1997, S. T. Chiu 2839 (TNM); Alishan, Sep. 8, 1991, M. T. Kao s. n. (TNM). ILAN Co.: Mingchih, alt. 1200 m, Jan. 29, 2007, Y. C. Huang 531 (TNU).
共有 3 份典藏標本
吳聖傑 Sheng-Chieh Wu, 楊國禎 Kuoh-Cheng Yang
新竹 Hsinchu

Yu-Fa Wang
新竹 Hsinchu

佐佐木舜一 S.Sasaki
台北 Taipei