HSIEH, Chang-Fu and HUANG, Tseng-Chieng
Perennial herbs or shrubs. Leaves opposite and decussate, estipulate, simple, mostly entire or nearly so; cystoliths common on vegetative parts. Flowers axillary or terminal, solitary or in 2-many-flowered inflorescences, bisexual, frequently in axils of bracts; each flower often with 2 or occasionally more bracteoles; calyx lobes 4 or 5; corolla sympetalous, more or less zygomorphic, hypogynous, segments contorted to imbricate in bud; stamens 4, didynamous, or 2, inserted on corolla tube; staminodes sometimes present; filaments free or basally connate or connected by a membrane; anthers 1- or 2-celled, in latter inserted at same or different levels, basally spurred or not, dehiscing lengthwise; disc present; ovary superior, sessile on disc, 2-locular; placentation axile; ovules 2 or more in each locule, anatropous, in 2 rows; style 1, entire or shortly and often unequally bifid. Capsule usually elastically loculicidally 2-valved, 1-many-seeded; seeds usually compressed and partly surrounded by the hardened funicle (retinaculum); endosperm usually absent.
A family of about 346 genera and over 4,300 species, mostly in the warmer parts of the world; 15 genera, about 32 species with three varieties in Taiwan.
Bremekamp, C. E. B., Verh. Kon. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterd. Afd. Naturk. Tweede Sect. 2 41(1): 1-306. 1944.
Graham, V. A. W., Kew bulletin 43(4): 551-624. 1988. (Kew Bull.)
Yamazaki, T., Journal of Japanese Botany 66(5): 303-306. 1991. (J. Jpn. Bot.)