Aphananthe 糙葉樹屬
Celtis 朴屬
Trema 山黃麻屬
Ulmus 榆屬
Zelkova 櫸屬
Celtis 朴屬
Monoecious or rarely polygamous, shrubs or trees. Leaves alternate, entire, or serrate in upper portion, 3-nerved (in Taiwan); stipules free, lateral, caducous. Inflorescences axillary, racemose or paniculate. Flowers unisexual or bisexual; calyx 4 or 5-parted, united at base; stamens 4 or 5, inserted on the densely pilose receptacle; anthers dorsifixed, extrorse; ovary ovoid-ellipsoid. Drupe fleshy, ovoid, ellipsoid or globose; endocarp hard and persistent, smooth, ridged or pitted; endosperm scanty or wanting; embryo curved.
About 100 species in temperate and tropical regions. Five species in Taiwan.