Physaliastrum 散血丹屬
Shrubs or herbs; pubescence of simple hairs; stems dichotomously branched. Leaves simple, petiolate. Flowers in branch forks, occasionally axillary, solitary or sometimes 2 or 3 in clusters; peduncle short or obsolete. Flowers mostly radially symmetrical, 5-merous, long pedicellate, nodding; calyx short campanulate or conical, lobed to middle, lobes equal or not; corolla broadly campanulate to rotate, lobed to middle, lobes wide spreading, densely villous near base of tube, sometimes spotted; stamens inserted in corolla tube, filaments pubescent or glabrous, anthers dehiscing longitudinally; nectaries sometimes present; ovary 2-locular, ovules numerous. Fruit a juicy or fleshy berry enveloped in the enlarged fruiting calyx; fruiting calyx applied to berry or inflated, mostly open at apex, veins obscure or thickened into angles or ribs, mostly muricate or bristly with soft emergences that appear triangular and scalelike when dry, these sometimes localized on angles; seeds numerous, reniform-discoid, minutely pitted; embryo curved, subperipheral.
About nine species in eastern Asia; one in Taiwan.