KOYAMA, Tetsuo, WANG, Kuang-Yuh, LU, Fu-Yuan, and OU, Chern-Hsiung
Perennial woody or herbaceous vines or occasionally low shrubs, dioecious. Stems often armed, sometimes verruculose. Leaves alternate; blades lanceolate to ovate, 3-7-costate, costas connected by reticulate veins; petiole sheathing, with wing-like margin, apex of petiole sheath cirrhose, jointed from apex of sheath to base of blade. Inflorescence of 1-many umbels, in leaf axils, axis with or without prophyll at base. Perianth segments 6, free or connate to varying degrees; inner tepals narrower than outer ones. Stamens 6, sometimes 3, rarely to 18, free or monadelphous: anthers 1-locular, reduced to needlelike staminodia in pistillate flowers. Ovary superior, usually 2-locular. each locule containing 1 or 2 anatropous ovules, stigmas 3. Fruit a berry.
About 250 species in three genera in tropical and subtropical parts of both hemispheres; highest species concentration in southeastern Asia and Malesia. Two genera in Taiwan.