Chrysosplenium 貓兒眼睛草屬
Herbs, shrubs or small trees. Leaves alternate or opposite, usually without stipules; blade simple or compound. Inflorescences basically cymose, sometimes racemose to paniculate. Flowers bisexual or polygamo-dioecious, regular, hypogynous or perigynous; sepals or calyx-lobes 4–5, free or united, imbricate or valvate; petals 4–5, rarely 0, imbricate or valvate; stamens inserted with the petals, equalling or doubling their number; staminodes or glands sometimes present between the stamens and ovary; carpels 2–5, wholly or partly connate, rarely separate; styles as many as the carpels, distinct or connate nearly to the summit, the stigmas capitate or lateral and subcapitate, ovules numerous, erect or pendulous. Fruit a capsule or berry; seeds numerous, small, winged, albuminous; embryo small, the cotyledons flat.
About 80 genera and 1,200 species, widely distributed, chiefly in the cold and temperate regions; 13 genera, 23 species and two varieties in Taiwan.
Chrysosplenium 貓兒眼睛草屬
erennial or biennial herbs, more or less succulent; stems scapose. Leaves alternate or opposite, simple, glabrous or pubescent, petiolate; stipules absent; bracts subfoliaceous, often colored. Flowers small, in axillary or terminal cymes, green, yellow, or white; calyx-tube cup-shaped or funnel-form, 4-lobed, imbricate; petals absent; stamens 4–8; ovary 1-celled; styles 2, short, free. Capsules subinferior or nearly superior, dehiscing crosswise at top; seeds small, ellipsoidal.
About 30 species, in mainland China and Japan, a few in Europe and Siberia, also a few in North and South America; two species and one variety in Taiwan.
- Chrysosplenium alternifolium 互葉金腰
- Chrysosplenium crenulatum
- Chrysosplenium delavayi 青貓兒眼睛草
- Chrysosplenium doianum
- Chrysosplenium flagelliforme
- Chrysosplenium grayanum
- Chrysosplenium hebetatum 大武貓兒眼睛草
- Chrysosplenium japonicum 日本貓兒眼睛草
- Chrysosplenium japonicum
- Chrysosplenium lanuginosum var. formosanum 台灣貓兒眼睛草
- Chrysosplenium oppositifolium
- Chrysosplenium schagae
- Chrysosplenium sp.
- Chrysosplenium sphaerospermum
- Chrysosplenium stamineum
- Chrysosplenium trachyspermum