Thalictrum 唐松草屬
Mainly annual or perennial herbs, sometimes small shrubs or woody climbers, rarely polygamous or dioecious herbs. Leaves simple or compound, radical or cauline, often divided, mostly alternate but opposite in Clematis; stipules mostly absent or present, adnate to petiole, rarely free. Inflorescence cymes, racemes, panicles or flower solitary. Flowers bisexual, rarely unisexual, actinomorphic (regular), or zygomorphic (irregular). Petals hypogynous, free, imbricate or valvate in Clematis, deciduous. Sepals 4 or 5, green or colored. Petals 4 or 5 or more, or absent, well developed or sometimes reduced to nectaries, spur present or absent, usually at base. Stamens hypogynous, numerous, free, spirally arranged; anthers 2-celled, introrse, longitudinally dehiscent. Carpels few to many, rarely solitary, free, spirally arranged or whorled, 1-celled; styles short to long; ovules 1-many, anatropous, erect or pendulous. Fruits achene or follicles, sometimes capsules or berries; seeds 1-many, small, albuminous, embryo minute.
About 58 genera with 1,750 species, worldwide, but mainly in the north temperate and frigid areas; 10 genera and 31 species in Taiwan.
Wang, W. T. et. al., Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae 27: 24-664. 1979. (Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin.)
Wang, W. T. et. al., Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae 28: . 1980. (Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin.)
Thalictrum 唐松草屬
Erect sometimes dioecious, rarely polygamous perennial herbs; stem usually branching, smooth or sulcate; roots usually fibrous rarely tuberiferous. Leaves triternately to pentaternately compound; leaflets palmatilobate, few toothed, rarely unlobed; petiole base widely sheathing, often stipulate and stipellate. Inflorescence usually a monochasium, sometimes paniculate, corymbose, or racemose, terminal or axillary. Flowers small, bisexual or unisexual. Sepals 4-6 or more, greenish or white, sometimes rose-colored and petaloid, caducous; petals absent; stamens numerous, promi-nent, with or without connective, filaments filiform, linear or clavate, more or less thickened or/and dilated at apex, anthers small; carpels few to many, free, stipitate or sessile, ovule 1, pendulous, style beak-like, short or long, stigma deltoid to linear, on inner side of style; receptacle minute. Fruits achenes; achenes stipitate or not, elongate, commonly laterally flattened, sometimes narrowly winged, usually nerved.
About 200 species, widely distributed in the temperate and frigid zones of the northern hemisphere, a few extending to South America and South Africa; about 70 species in China, and 6 species in Taiwan.
- Thalictrum alpinum 高山唐松草
- Thalictrum aquilegifolium
- Thalictrum baicalense 貝加爾唐松草
- Thalictrum collinum
- Thalictrum coreanum
- Thalictrum dipterocarpum
- Thalictrum duclouxii
- Thalictrum elatum
- Thalictrum filamentosum 花唐松草
- Thalictrum flavum 黃唐松草
- Thalictrum foetidum 腺毛唐松草
- Thalictrum fortunei 華東唐松草
- Thalictrum galeottii
- Thalictrum javanicum var. puberulum 微毛爪哇唐松草
- Thalictrum myriophyllum 密葉唐松草
- Thalictrum nigricans
- Thalictrum oshimae 大唐松草
- Thalictrum petaloideum 瓣蕊唐松草
- Thalictrum polygamum
- Thalictrum porphyritae
- Thalictrum pubescens 毛唐松草
- Thalictrum reticulatum 網脈唐松草
- Thalictrum rubescens 南湖唐松草
- Thalictrum rufinerve
- Thalictrum sessile 玉山唐松草
- Thalictrum simplex 箭頭唐松草
- Thalictrum sp.
- Thalictrum tuberiferum 深山唐松草
- Thalictrum urbaini var. majus 大花傅氏唐松草
- Thalictrum urbaini 傅氏唐松草
- Thalictrum virgatum 帚枝唐松草