Lysimachia 珍珠菜屬
Erect, ascending or prostrate herbs, rarely subshrubs, glabrous to pubescent, sometimes glandular-punctate. Stems terete or angled, sometimes winged. Leaves opposite, alternate, or verticillate, sessile or petioled; blade simple, usually entire. Flowers axillary or terminal, solitary or in racemes, corymbs, or panicles; white, yellow, or red, rarely bluish purple; calyx 4- to 9-parted, usually deeply 5-lobed, persistent; corolla contorted in bud, funnelform, salverform, or broadly campanulate, 4- to 9-lobed, tube often very short; stamens inserted in tube, antepetalous, sometimes alternating with staminodes, anthers obtuse, basifixed or versatile, opening by a terminal pore or by a longitudinal slit; ovary globose or ovoid; style simple, filiform. Capsules longitudinally dehiscent or indehiscent; seeds few to many, testa thin.
About 180 species, chiefly in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, a few in the tropics, Australia, N. America, and Africa; ten in Taiwan.
- Lysimachia ardisioides 台灣排香
- Lysimachia candida 澤珍珠菜
- Lysimachia capillipes 排香草
- Lysimachia chingshuiensis 清水山過路黃
- Lysimachia congestiflora 台灣珍珠菜
- Lysimachia decurrens 異葉珍珠菜
- Lysimachia fortunei 星宿菜
- Lysimachia japonica 小茄
- Lysimachia leucantha 白花珍珠菜
- Lysimachia mauritiana 茅毛珍珠菜
- Lysimachia nigropunctata 黑點珍珠菜
- Lysimachia ravenii 大漢山珍珠菜
- Lysimachia remota 蓬萊珍珠菜