KAO, Muh-Tsuen and PENG, Ching -I
Herbs, annual, biennial and perennial; stems erect or creeping. Leaves radical or cauline, simple, alternate, opposite or verticillate, rarely pinnately lobed, estipulate. Flowers in racemes, axillary or superposed verticils, bisexual, usually actinomorphic; calyx persistent, (4–)–5(–9)-lobed; corolla rotate, salverform or infundibuliform, sometimes subcampanulate, imbricate in bud, limb 4–9-lobed; stamens as many as corolla lobes and opposite them, inserted on tube; staminodes rare, alternate with stamens; ovary superior, glabrous or pubescent, 1-locular; ovules many, placentation free-central. Seeds small, many, endosperm copious.
Twenty-two genera and about 1,000 species; mainly in the northern hemisphere, a few in the tropics and the southern hemisphere; five genera and fourteen species in Taiwan.
Chen, F. H., C. M. Hu, Y. Y. Fang, C. Z. Cheng, Y. C. Yang, & R. F. Huang., Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae 59(1): 217. 1989. (Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin.)
Hu, C. M. & S. Kelso., Flora of China Family 15: 39-189. 1996. (Fl. China)