Anagallis 琉璃繁縷屬
Androsace 點地梅屬
Lysimachia 珍珠菜屬
Primula 櫻草屬
Stimpsonia 施丁草屬
Androsace 點地梅屬
Low annual, biennial or perennial herbs; stems absent or short, with many branches, densely leafy, pubescent.. Flowers solitary or more commonly umbellate on scapes, small, white or pink; calyx 5-parted, persistent, lobes erect, incurved or spreading in fruit; corolla salverform or funnel-shaped, tube shorter than calyx, constricted in throat, limb 5-lobed; stamens 5, included, filaments very short, anthers acute; style usually short; ovules few to many. Capsules globose or ovoid, dehiscent, 6-valved; seeds dorsally flattened.
About 100 species in Eurasia and North America; one in Taiwan.