


Flora of Taiwan
Areca 檳榔屬
Arenga 山棕屬
Calamus 省藤屬
Livistona 蒲葵屬
Phoenix 海棗屬
Pinanga 山檳榔屬



LIAO, Jih-Ching


Hermaphroditic, polygamous, monoecious or dioecious, trees, shrubs or vines. Stems solitary, clustered or acaulescent, armed or not, woody, slender to massive, unbranched, rarely branched, sometimes ventricose or swollen at base; leaf scars conspicuous or not, stilt roots present or absent; roots adventitious, sometimes modified into spines. Leaves alternate, rarely distichous or tristichous, persistent or marcescent; sheath tubular at base, later frequently splitting, armed or not with spines or prickles, glabrous, scaly or hairy; hastula (ligule) in front of petiole. Petiole usually terete, channeled, ridged above, with spines or teeth, glabrous, scaly or hairy; leaf blade palmate, costapalmate, pinnate, bipinnate or entire and pinnately veined, plicate in bud induplicate, reduplicate or not; segments or leaflets linear, lanceolate or rhomboid or wedge shaped, single- or many-folded, armed with spines or bristles along margins and/or main veins, rachis prolonged distally in many climbing palms. Inflorescences solitary or multiple, in some species of Calamus inflorescences modified as climbing whip (flagellum), prophyll usually 2-keeled, 0-many, rachis shorter or longer than peduncle, rachilla bracts conspicuous, minute or lacking. Flowers in pits, sessile or stalked. Sepals (2-)3 (rarely more), distinct or connate, imbricate, basally connate, rarely valvate or widely separate; petals (2-)3 (rarely more), distinct or connate, valvate or imbricate; stamens (3-)6-950 or more; filaments erect or inflexed in bud, free, connate or adnate to petals; anthers basifixed or dorsifixed, introrse, or by pores, pollen globose or ellipsoid; staminodes rarely absent; gynoecium apocarpous, opening or syncarpous, (1-)3-10; styles distinct or connate; stigmas erect or recurved, rarely indistinct; ovule solitary in each cell, anatropous, hemianatropous, campylotropous or orthotropous, basally, laterally or apically attached, integuments 2. Fruit 1-(2-10) seeded; epicarp smooth or hairy, prickly, corky-warty or with imbricate scales; mesocarp fleshy, fibrous or dry; endocarp thin or thick, often with 3 or more pores; seed adhering to pericarp or free; endosperm homogeneous or ruminate; embryo apical lateral or basal.

About 2,800 species in 210 genera in tropical, subtropical to warm temperate regions. Five genera and seven species in Taiwan.


  • Alec, B. & T. Rodd, 210. 1988.
  • Balick, M. J., . 1990.
  • Byrd, G. A., Exotica series 4 (ed. 12th) 2: 1849-1916. 1985.
  • Byrd, G. A., Tropica ed. 3 764-807. 1986.
  • Chang, C.-E., Quarterly journal of Chinese forestry 21(1): 107. 1988.  (Quart. J. Chin. For.)
  • Pei, S., S. Chen, & S. Tong, Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae 13(1): 1-172. 1991.  (Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin.)
  • Uhl, N. W. & J. Dransfield, Genera Palmarum 610. 1987.




