


Flora of Taiwan
Acampe 脆蘭屬
Acanthephippium 罈花蘭屬
Agrostophyllum 糠穗蘭屬
Amitostigma 雛蘭屬
Androcorys 兜蕊蘭屬
Ania 安蘭屬
Anoectochilus 金線蓮屬
Aphyllorchis 無葉蘭屬
Apostasia 假蘭屬
Appendicula 竹節蘭屬
Arachnis 龍爪蘭屬
Arundina 竹葉蘭屬
Ascocentrum 鹿角蘭屬
Bletilla 白及屬
Brachycorythis 苞葉蘭屬
Bulbophyllum 豆蘭屬
Calanthe 根節蘭屬
Cephalanthera 金蘭屬
Cephalantheropsis 肖頭蕊蘭屬
Chamaeanthus 細花蘭屬
Cheirostylis 指柱蘭屬
Chiloschista 大蜘蛛蘭屬
Chrysoglossum 金蟬蘭屬
Cleisostoma 隔距蘭屬
Coeloglossum 凹舌蘭屬
Coelogyne 貝母蘭屬
Collabium 吻蘭屬
Corybas 鎧蘭屬
Corymbis 管花蘭屬
Corymborkis 管花蘭屬
Corysanthes 鎧蘭屬
Cremastra 馬鞭蘭屬
Crepidium 沼蘭屬
Cryptostylis 隱柱蘭屬
Cymbidium 蕙蘭屬
Cynorkis 非洲紅蘭屬
Cypripedium 蘭花雙葉草屬
Cyrtosia 肉果蘭屬
Dactylorhiza 掌裂蘭屬
Dendrobium 石斛屬
Dendrochilum 穗花蘭屬
Didiciea 雙生蘭屬
Didymoplexiella 錨柱蘭屬
Didymoplexis 雙唇蘭屬
Dienia 無耳沼蘭屬
Diploprora 蛇舌蘭屬
Disperis 鴛鴦蘭屬
Epigeneium 著頦蘭屬
Epipactis 鈴蘭屬
Epipogium 上鬚蘭屬
Eria 絨蘭屬
Erythrodes 小唇蘭屬
Erythrorchis 倒吊蘭屬
Eulophia 芋蘭屬
Flickingeria 暫花蘭屬
Galeola 山珊瑚屬
Gastrochilus 松蘭屬
Gastrodia 赤箭屬
Geodorum 地寶蘭屬
Goodyera 斑葉蘭屬
Habenaria 玉鳳蘭屬
Hancockia 漢考克蘭屬
Haraella 香蘭屬
Hayata 早田蘭屬
Hemipilia 玉山一葉蘭屬
Herminium 腳根蘭屬
Hetaeria 角唇蘭屬
Holcoglossum 撬唇蘭屬
Hylophila 光唇蘭屬
Lecanorchis 皿柱蘭屬
Liparis 羊耳蘭屬
Listera 雙葉蘭屬
Luisia 釵子股屬
Malaxis 小柱蘭屬
Microtatorchis 假蜘蛛蘭屬
Microtis 韭葉蘭屬
Mischobulbum 葵蘭屬
Myrmechis 全唇蘭屬
Neofinetia 風蘭屬
Neottia 鳥巢蘭屬
Neottia 鳥巢蘭屬
Nephelaphyllum 雲葉蘭屬
Nervilia 脈葉蘭屬
Oberonia 莪白蘭屬
Oberonioides 小沼蘭屬
Odontochilus 齒唇蘭屬
Orchis 紅門蘭屬
Oreorchis 山蘭屬
Pachystoma 粉口蘭屬
Papilionanthe 鳳蝶蘭屬
Paraphaius 副鶴頂蘭屬
Peristylus 闊蕊蘭屬
Phaius 鶴頂蘭屬
Phalaenopsis 蝴蝶蘭屬
Pholidota 石山桃屬
Phreatia 芙樂蘭屬
Pinalia 蘋蘭屬
Platanthera 粉蝶蘭屬
Pleione 一葉蘭屬
Pogonia 鬚唇蘭屬
Pomatocalpa 繡球蘭屬
Ponerorchis 小蝶蘭屬
Pseudoliparis 假羊耳蒜屬
Renanthera 火焰蘭屬
Rhomboda 白點伴蘭屬
Robiquetia 寄樹蘭屬
Saccolabiopsis 假囊唇蘭屬
Saccolabium 囊舌蘭屬
Sarcanthus 脆蘭屬
Sarcophyton 肉蘭屬
Schoenorchis 羞花蘭屬
Spathoglottis 苞舌蘭屬
Spiranthes 綬草屬
Staurochilus 掌唇蘭屬
Stereosandra 堅葯蘭屬
Stigmatodactylus 絲柱蘭屬
Styloglossum 落苞蘭屬
Sunipia 寶石蘭屬
Taeniophyllum 小蜘蛛蘭屬
Tainia 小杜鵑蘭屬
Thelasis 八粉蘭屬
Thrixspermum 風鈴蘭屬
Tipularia 飛鶴蘭屬
Trichoglottis 鳳尾蘭屬
Tropidia 摺唇蘭屬
Tuberolabium 紅頭蘭屬
Tulotis 蜻蜓蘭屬
Vanda 萬代蘭屬
Vandopsis 擬萬代蘭屬
Vanilla 梵尼蘭屬
Vexillabium 旗唇蘭屬
Vrydagzynea 二尾蘭屬
Yoania 長花柄蘭屬
Zeuxine 線柱蘭屬



SU, Horng-Jye


Terrestrial, epiphytic or saprophytic perennial herbs with rhizomes, corms, root-stem tuberoids or tuberous roots. Stems monopodial or sympodial, leafy or scapose, long or short, often thickened and forming pseudobulbs. Leaves radical or cauline, spiral or alternate and often distichous, convolute or conduplicate, variously shaped, sometimes all reduced to scales, often sheathed at base, sheath nearly always closed and encircling stem. Inflorescences terminal or lateral, spicate, racemose or paniculate, or with solitary flower; peduncles from various positious of stem, scapes from rhizome or base of pseudobulb. Flowers usually zygomorphic, often resupinate through twist of ovary for 180o, perianth epigynous, composed of 6 petaloid segments in 2 whorls, free or variously connate in each whorl; sepals (3 outer segments) imbricate or subvalvate; petals (3 inner segments) usually alternate to sepals, middle petal (lip or labellum) usually different in shape and often complicated in structure; lip variously shaped, sometimes 3-lobed, mostly placed in an abaxial position on account of resupination, base often produced into sac or spur; stamens and pistil fused together forming column, rarely separated; stamens 1 or 2, anthers 2-8-locular, sometimes with reduced partitions, opening by lengthwise slit, pollens rarely granular, generally agglutinated into masses or compact bodies (pollinia); pollinia mealy (powdery), sectile (consisting of small massulas) or waxy (bony), 2, 4, 6 or 8, naked (without definite accessory structure), or with accessory structures forming set of pollinarium, either with one end extended into softer sterile caudicle developed in anther and attached by caudicle to viscidium, or connected by sterile hyaline stipe developed outside anther, stipe derived from epidermis of rostellum (tegula stipe) or formed by apex of rostellum (hamulus stipe); ovary inferior, usually 1-locular with 3 parietal placentas, often produced at apex into semiterete column bearing anther and stigma; stigma basically 3-lobed or with 3 stigmatic areas, lobes usually confluent in single concave or convex area on ventral side of column, or reduced to 2 discrete lateral lobes on ventral or lateral sides of column, apex of median lobe often transformed into small outgrowth (rostellum) lying between anther and receptive stigmatic areas, portion of rostellum sometimes modified into small viscid disk or viscidium attaching to pollinia or their stipes; ovules numerous and minute, anatropous. Fruits usually capsule, mostly opening laterally by 3 or 6 longitudinal slits. Seeds numerous, usually minute, dust-like, without endosperm; embryo not differentiated.

About 500 genera and more than 24,000 species, cosmopolitan, mainly in tropical and subtropical regions, extending into temperate and subarctic areas; 101 genera with 322 species, 3 subspecies and 5 varieties in Taiwan.







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