Syzygium 赤楠屬
Evergreen trees or shrubs. Leaves opposite, coriaceous or membranaceous, penninerved. Flowers in racemes, cymes or panicles; calyx-tube globose or more or less elongated, lobes 4 or 5; petals 4 or 5; free or connate into a small hood (calyptra), mostly early caducous; stamens numerous, in 1 to numerous rows, occasionally united into 4 bundles, filaments filiform, anther sacs parallel and opening longitudinally; ovary 2–3-celled, styles filiform, stigma small; ovules numerous in each cell. Berry drupaceous, crowned with the persistent calyx-limb. Seeds few, globose or variously compressed; seedcoat loosely or closely adhering to the pericarp; embryo divided, i. e., with distinct cotyledons.
About 75 species in the Tropics of the Old World; about nine species in Taiwan.
- Syzygium bullockii 黑嘴蒲桃
- Syzygium buxifolium 小葉赤楠
- Syzygium cumini 肯氏蒲桃
- Syzygium densinervium var. insulare 密脈赤楠
- Syzygium euphlebium 細脈赤楠
- Syzygium fluviatile 水竹蒲桃
- Syzygium formosanum 台灣赤楠
- Syzygium globiflorum
- Syzygium jambos 蒲桃
- Syzygium koghiense
- Syzygium kusukusense 高士佛赤楠
- Syzygium latilimbum 闊葉蒲桃
- Syzygium malaccense 麻六甲蒲桃
- Syzygium myrsinifolium 竹葉蒲桃
- Syzygium nienkui
- Syzygium palauense
- Syzygium paucivenium 疏脈赤楠
- Syzygium samarangense 蓮霧
- Syzygium simile 蘭嶼赤楠
- Syzygium sp.
- Syzygium taiwanicum 台灣棒花蒲桃
- Syzygium tephrodes 方枝蒲桃
- Syzygium tripinnatum 大花赤楠