Photosynthetic shrubby hemiparasites on tree branches, attached to the host by haustoria. Stems often dichotomously branched, nodes generally swollen. Leaves mostly opposite, simple, entire, or sometimes reduced to connate scales or absent, estipulate. Flowers bisexual or unisexual, actinomor-phic or zygomorphic, green to bright yellow or red, solitary or in dichasia, inflorescence sometimes resembling racemes, heads or umbels; calyx a toothed or lobed rim or cup adnate to top of ovary; petals 4–6, free or often with a basal tube equally or unequally cleft; stamens as many as and opposite and adnate to petals, anthers usually 2-locular, or 1-locular by confluence of loculi or transversely multilocular, dehiscing lengthwise or by transverse slits or terminal pores; rudimentary ovary often present in the male flowers, staminodes in female flowers; ovary inferior, 3- or 4-carpelled, 1-loculed, ovules not differentiated, style simple or absent, stigma often sessile. Fruit usually a berry or drupe, with latex; seeds1(–3) , without testa, often with more than 1 embryo; endosperm copious, starchy.
About 70 genera and over 1,000 species, mostly tropical and warm temperate; four genera, seventeen species and two varieties in Taiwan.