Ohwia 小槐花屬
Herbs, shrubs, or trees. Leaves stipulate and usually alternate, pinnate or digitately compound, or simple, sometimes with the rachis ending in a tendril. Inflorescence variable, axillary, leaf-opposed or terminal, mostly pseudoracemose or panicled, bracts and bracteoles usually both present; flowers usually irregular, hermaphroditic, rarely regular or polygamous; sepals 4–5, connate or free, often unequal, sometimes combined into 2 lips; petals 5, rarely fewer by reduction, usually free and unequal; stamens normally 10, perigynous or hypogynous, rarely fewer or indefinite; filaments free or variously connate; anthers 2-celled, generally longitudinally dehiscent; ovary free; style simple, cylindrical, usually declinate, stigma capitate, terminal or oblique; ovules one or more on the ventral suture. Fruit usually a dry, dehiscent legume, typically dehiscent by one or both sutures into two valves, or indehiscent, sometimes jointed and separating into 1-seeded joints. Seeds usually exalbuminous; cotyledons foliaceous or amygdaloid, with a straight or inflexed acumbent radicle.
Genera about 650, species over 18,000, cosmopolitan. About 60 genera and 170 species in Taiwan.
Li, H. L., Livingston Publ. Comp. Pennsylvania 329-362. 1963.
Liu, T. S, College of Agriculture, National Taiwan University, Taipei. 483-551. 1960.
Ohashi, H. et al., The science reports of the Tohoku Imperial University. Fourth Series, Biology 277-334. 1984. (Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ. 4. Biol.)
Ohashi, H. et al., The science reports of the Tohoku Imperial University. Fourth Series, Biology 53-66. 1985. (Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ. 4. Biol.)
Ohashi, H. et al., The science reports of the Tohoku Imperial University. Fourth Series, Biology 191-248. 1988. (Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ. 4. Biol.)
Ohashi, H. et al., The science reports of the Tohoku Imperial University. Fourth Series, Biology 1-37. 1991. (Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ. 4. Biol.)