Hypericum 金絲桃屬
Shrubs or perennial to annual herbs, glabrous (in Taiwan), with translucent ('pale') and often opaque, black or reddish ('dark') glands. Leaves opposite, entire. Inflorescence terminal and sometimes axillary, cymose. Flowers bisexual. Sepals 5, quincuncial. petals 5, yellow to orange, sometimes tinged or veined red, usually asymmetrical, persistent or deciduous. Stamens in 5 free antepetalous fascicles or united to form 4 (i. e., 2+1+1+1) or 3 (i. e., 2+2+1) fascicles with the compound fascicles antesepalous or apparently irregular and not fascicled, persistent or deciduous, each single fascicle with up to 70 stamens, with filaments slender, free almost to the base; anthers dorsifixed, dehiscing longitudinally, with gland on connective; staminodes and sterile fascicles absent. Ovary 3-5-locular with axile placenta or ± completely 1-locular with (2)3-5 parietal placentae, each placenta with many ovules; styles (2)3-5, free or partly to completely united, ± slender; stigmas small or ± capitate. Fruit a septicidal capsule, the valves often with resin-containing vittae or vescicles; seeds small, often carinate or ± winged, with testa variously sculptured, not arillate; embryo slender, straight, with distinct cotyledons.
About 420 species, cosmopolitan except for arctic or desert areas and most of the lowland tropics; 14 species with one variety in Taiwan.
- Hypericum angulosum
- Hypericum ascyron 連翹
- Hypericum crassifolium
- Hypericum erectum 小連翹
- Hypericum erectum f. vanioniti
- Hypericum formosanum 台灣金絲桃
- Hypericum geminiflorum 雙花金絲桃
- Hypericum geminiflorum var. simplicistylum 小雙花金絲桃
- Hypericum gentianoides
- Hypericum gramineum 細葉金絲桃
- Hypericum japonicum 地耳草
- Hypericum kalmianum
- Hypericum kamtschaticum
- Hypericum loheri
- Hypericum majus
- Hypericum monogynum 金絲桃
- Hypericum mutilum
- Hypericum nagasawai 玉山金絲桃
- Hypericum nakaii
- Hypericum nakamurai 清水金絲桃
- Hypericum nokoense 能高金絲桃
- Hypericum paramushirense
- Hypericum patulum 金絲梅
- Hypericum patulum 金絲梅
- Hypericum perforatum 貫葉連翹
- Hypericum prolificum
- Hypericum pyramidatum
- Hypericum ramosissimum
- Hypericum reflexum
- Hypericum sampsonii 元寶草
- Hypericum sikokumontanum
- Hypericum sp.
- Hypericum sphaerocarpum
- Hypericum subalatum 方莖金絲桃
- Hypericum taihezanense 短柄金絲桃
- Hypericum yabei
- Hypericum × desetangsii