Eragrostis 畫眉草屬
Annuals or perennials, culms slender, tufted, mostly erect; ligule short, truncate, ciliate. Blade narrowly linear. Inflorescence an open or contracted, sometimes spike-like or even head-like panicle. Spikelets strongly laterally, compressed, 2-numerous-flowered, rarely only 1 fertile flower with sterile lemma above floret. Florets all bisexual or upper ones reduced, rarely otherwise; rachilla zigzag, or straight, tough or gradually breaking up at maturity, in former case florets deciduous or paleas persistent; in latter case florets deciduous with adjacent internode of rachilla; glumes equal or lower glume 1-3nerved; lemma ovate or ovate-oblong, rounded abaxially, with acute, obtuse or truncate apex, glabrous or scabrous, sometimes with tubercule-based hairs on lateral nerves, rarely with short straight awn, 3-nerved, nerves longer or shorter, sometimes obscure; palea equaling lemma or shorter, more or less curved, 2-nerved, with 2 ciliated or eciliated keels, deciduous with lemmas or tardily dropping off; lodicules 2; stamens 2-3; ovary glabrous, styles 2, short, stigmas exserted lateraily. Caryopsis enclosed in lemma, globose, ellipsoid or oblong; embryo 1/2 more or less as long as caryopsis, hilum punctiform, basal.
About 300 species worldwide, mostly in subtropic regions. Sixteen species found in Taiwan, mainly on the plains and in open, dry areas.
- Eragrostis amabilis 鯽魚草
- Eragrostis atrovirens 鼠婦草
- Eragrostis brownii 長畫眉草
- Eragrostis cilianensis 大畫眉草
- Eragrostis ciliaris 毛畫眉草
- Eragrostis cumingii 肯氏畫眉草
- Eragrostis curvula 垂愛草
- Eragrostis cylindrica 短穗畫眉草
- Eragrostis fauriei 佛歐里畫眉草
- Eragrostis ferruginea 知風草
- Eragrostis japonica 日本鯽魚草
- Eragrostis multicaulis 多稈畫眉草
- Eragrostis nevinii 尼氏畫眉草
- Eragrostis nutans 細葉畫眉草
- Eragrostis pilosa 畫眉草
- Eragrostis pilosissima 多毛知風草
- Eragrostis pilosiuscula 毛葉知風草
- Eragrostis poaeoides 小畫眉草
- Eragrostis sp.
- Eragrostis tenuifolia 薄葉畫眉草
- Eragrostis unioloides 牛虱草