LI, Zhen-Yu and KAO, Muh-Tsuen
Herbs, shrubs, rarely trees. Leaves opposite, alternate, verticillate or in rosettes, exstipulate. Inflorescences usually cymes, rarely racemes, axillary or pseudoterminal. Flowers perfect, zygomorphic, seldom actinomorphic. Calyx (4-)5-divided. Corolla gamopetalous, usually 2-lipped. Stamens 2–5; anthers free or coherent, thecae 2, parallel, divergent or divaricate; staminodes 1–3 or absent. Disc ringlike to cup-shaped, rarely absent. Ovary superior (all native taxa in Taiwan) to inferior, 1-loculed, placentation parietal, rarely 2-loculed and placentation axile; ovules numerous, anatropous; style 1, terminal; stigmas 1 or 2. Fruit usually a capsule, loculicidally, septicidally, or circumscissilely dehiscent, rarely a berry. Seeds numerous, fusiform to ellipsoid or ovoid, minute, sometimes with appendages at one or both ends, with or without endosperm, embryo straight.
About 142 genera and 3000 species, distributed in tropical and southern Africa, Central and South America, east and south Asia, southern Europe and Oceania; twelve genera with thirteen species in Taiwan
Wang, W. T., Pan, K. Y. & Li, Z. Y., Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae 69: 125-581. 1990. (Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin.)
Wang, W. T., Pan, K.Y.& Li, Z. Y., Edinburgh Journal of Botany 49: 5-74. 1992. (Edinburgh J. Bot.)