Phyllanthus 油柑屬
Herbs, shrubs, or trees, often with milky juice, sometimes fleshy and cactus-like. Leaves alternate or rarely opposite, simple or variously compound, mostly stipulate. Flowers monoecious or sometimes dioecious, mostly actinomorphic, variously disposed, with or without perianth, sometimes with a corolla; perianth valvate or imbricate; sepals and petals usually distinct; disc often present, annular or of separate glands. Staminate flowers variable, with stamens usually as many or twice as many as the petals or reduced to one, distinct or mona-delphous; anthers mostly 2-celled. Pistillate flowers with or without staminodes, often pedicellate; ovary superior, consisting of 3 or sometimes 2, or more than 3, united, 1-celled or rarely 2-celled carpels; styles 3, distinct or basally connate, each often 2-lobed; stigmas 3 or 6; placentation axile; ovules one or less commonly 2, pendulous. Fruit usually a schizocarpous capsule splitting often elastically into three 1-seeded cocci that dehisce ventrally, sometimes a drupe; seeds often with a conspicuous caruncle; endosperm mostly copious, fleshy; embryo straight.
A very large family containing about 300 genera and 8,000 species, mostly tropical and subtropical; 27 genera in Taiwan.
Phyllanthus 油柑屬
Trees, shrubs or herbs, monoecious or subdioecious; branching unspecified, twigs persistent, with spiral phyllotaxy or (in many species) axes of two kinds: persistent, with spiral or distichous phyllotaxy and without flowers, and deciduous, with distichous phyllotaxy and often floriferous. Leaves simple, alternate, varying in size and texture, entire, short-petiolate; stipule deciduous or persistent. Inflorescences axillary; flowers solitary or in reduced cymes or fascicles; calyx lobes 4–6; disc present; pedicellate or subsessile in both sexes. Staminate flowers: stamens mostly (2) 3–6 (15), filaments free or connate; varying in pollen morphology; disc cut into segments; pistillode usually none. Pistillate flowers: sepals usually entire; styles free or united, bifid or variously divided or dilated; carpel usually 3-celled, ovules 2 in each cell; disc annular or cut into segments; pedicellate or subsessile. Fruits capsule or berry, globose or depressed globose, smooth or warty. Seeds trigonous, surface smooth or sculptured; seed coat dry and crustaceous.
A diversified genus of perhaps 700 species in the world, the majority of these belonging to the Old World. Five species in Taiwan.
- Phyllanthus amarus 小返魂
- Phyllanthus annamensis 崖縣葉下珠
- Phyllanthus coi 許氏葉下珠
- Phyllanthus debilis 銳葉小返魂
- Phyllanthus disticha
- Phyllanthus embergeri 擬葉下珠
- Phyllanthus emblica 餘甘子
- Phyllanthus flexuosus 落萼葉下珠
- Phyllanthus goniocladus
- Phyllanthus hainanensis 海南葉下珠
- Phyllanthus hookeri 疣果葉下珠
- Phyllanthus lathyroides
- Phyllanthus marianus
- Phyllanthus microcarpus 小果油柑
- Phyllanthus multiflorus 多花油柑
- Phyllanthus myrtifolius 錫蘭葉下珠
- Phyllanthus nobilis
- Phyllanthus oligospermus 新竹油柑
- Phyllanthus palauensis
- Phyllanthus pallidifolius
- Phyllanthus parvifolius
- Phyllanthus pulcher 雲桂葉下珠
- Phyllanthus ramosii
- Phyllanthus ruber 紅葉下珠
- Phyllanthus rupiinsularis
- Phyllanthus saffordii
- Phyllanthus securinegioides
- Phyllanthus sp.
- Phyllanthus tenellus 五蕊油柑
- Phyllanthus urinaria ssp. nudicarpus 光果葉下珠
- Phyllanthus urinaria 葉下株
- Phyllanthus ussuriensis 蜜甘草