Glochidion 饅頭果屬
Herbs, shrubs, or trees, often with milky juice, sometimes fleshy and cactus-like. Leaves alternate or rarely opposite, simple or variously compound, mostly stipulate. Flowers monoecious or sometimes dioecious, mostly actinomorphic, variously disposed, with or without perianth, sometimes with a corolla; perianth valvate or imbricate; sepals and petals usually distinct; disc often present, annular or of separate glands. Staminate flowers variable, with stamens usually as many or twice as many as the petals or reduced to one, distinct or mona-delphous; anthers mostly 2-celled. Pistillate flowers with or without staminodes, often pedicellate; ovary superior, consisting of 3 or sometimes 2, or more than 3, united, 1-celled or rarely 2-celled carpels; styles 3, distinct or basally connate, each often 2-lobed; stigmas 3 or 6; placentation axile; ovules one or less commonly 2, pendulous. Fruit usually a schizocarpous capsule splitting often elastically into three 1-seeded cocci that dehisce ventrally, sometimes a drupe; seeds often with a conspicuous caruncle; endosperm mostly copious, fleshy; embryo straight.
A very large family containing about 300 genera and 8,000 species, mostly tropical and subtropical; 27 genera in Taiwan.
Glochidion 饅頭果屬
Trees, shrubs or sometimes herbs. Leaves simple, alternate, often distichous or arranged on the branchlet in one plane, chartaceous to coriaceous, entire; short-petioled; stipules thick, sometimes hooked at apex, mostly persistent. Flowers in axillary clusters or umbellate, cymules mostly bisexual, usually with distinctly pedicellate staminate flowers and subsessile or shorter pedicellate pistillate flowers, calyx-lobes mostly 5–6, without disc. Staminate flowers: sepals biseriate, often green or yellowish, spreading; stamens 2–8, united into a ellipsoid or oblong column, shorter than the sepals, the connectives exserted at tip, anthers longitudinally dehiscent; pistillode usually none or very minute between the anthers. Pistillate flowers: sepals sometimes erect, tubular and unequal; styles often connate into a short thick cylindrical column, lobed or toothed at summit, rarely free; ovary cells 3–15. Fruit a depressed-globose capsule of 3 or more 2-valved crustaceous cocci, each 2-seeded, suppressed or intruded at tip. Seeds hemispherical or laterally compressed.
Species about 300, chiefly in tropical Asia, the Pacific Islands, and Malaysia, few in America and Africa. Five species and two varieties in Taiwan.
- Glochidion acuminatum 裏白饅頭果
- Glochidion benguetense
- Glochidion coccineum 紅算盤子
- Glochidion ellipticum 卵葉饅頭果
- Glochidion eriocarpum 毛果算盤子
- Glochidion fagifolium
- Glochidion fortunei var. longicolumnum
- Glochidion glaucifolium
- Glochidion kanehirae
- Glochidion lanceolatum 披針葉饅頭果
- Glochidion lancifolium
- Glochidion lanyuense 蘭嶼饅頭果
- Glochidion littorale
- Glochidion macrophyllum
- Glochidion macrosepalum
- Glochidion marianum
- Glochidion merrillii
- Glochidion montanum
- Glochidion obscurum
- Glochidion palauense
- Glochidion permolle
- Glochidion philippicum 菲律賓饅頭果
- Glochidion ponapense
- Glochidion psidioides
- Glochidion puberulum
- Glochidion puberum 紅毛饅頭果
- Glochidion rubrum 細葉饅頭果
- Glochidion shimadai
- Glochidion sp.
- Glochidion williamsii
- Glochidion zeylanicum 錫蘭饅頭果
- Glochidion zeylanicum var. tomentosum 赤血仔