Ixeris 苦藚菜屬
Low, usually glaucous annuals, biennials, or perennials; leaves radical and cauline, alternate, radical ones long petiolate. Heads small, few to many, on erect corymbosely branched stems; peduncle slender, ebracteate. Involucre tubular, bracts minute, in few series, glabrous, herbaceous, inner bracts all equal, linear, green, much larger and longer than outer calyculate bracts. Receptacle flat, naked. Corollas ligulate, truncate, yellow, white or purplish; ligule 5-toothed. Achenes glabrous, somewhat flattened, narrowly oblong, usually 10-ribbed, long beaked. Pappus bristles many, slender, scaberulous, nearly equal, silvery.
About 20 species in eastern and southeastern Asia. Taiwan, six species, one of which is represented by two subspecies.
- PENG, Ching-I & CHUNG, Kuo-Fang; LI, Hui-Lin, Flora of Taiwan, second edition 4: 995. 1998. (Fl. Taiwan 2nd edit.)
- Pak, J. H. & S. Kawano., Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Series of Biology 15: 29-61. 1992. (Mem. Fac. Sci. Kyoto Univ., Ser. Biol.)
- Yahara, Y., Flora of Japan 3(b): 15-19. 1995. (Fl. Jap.)