PENG, Ching-I, CHUNG, Kuo-Fang & LI, Hui-Lin
Herbs or shrubs, rarely trees, sap sometimes milky. Leaves alternate or opposite, rarely whorled, simple or pinnately lobed or divided, estipulate. Flowers 1 to many, arranged in heads, heads solitary or variously arranged into synflorescences. Receptacle variously shaped, either glabrous, setose, or paleaceous, subtended by an involucre of one or more series of bracts (phyllaries). Florets bisexual or unisexual, occasionally neutral. Calyx represented by a pappus of diverse forms or seemingly absent. Corolla gamopetalous, tubular or discoid with 4 or 5 equal teeth or lobes or 2–5 lobes fused and elongate and forming a 2–5 toothed limb or ligule, or corolla bilabiate. Stamens 5, epipetalous, filaments distinct, anthers introrse, connate and forming a tube around style, apex usually appendaged, base often caudate or sagittate. Pistil 1, ovary inferior, 1-celled; style simple, slender, usually bifid; ovule solitary, anatropous. Fruit an achene, often crowned with a setose, paleaceous, or plumose pappus. Endosperm absent.
One of the largest families of flowering plants comprising about 1,535 genera and about 23,000 species, cosmopolitan. About 84 genera and 221 species, plus 20 additional infraspecific taxa in Taiwan.
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