HSIAO, Ju-Ying and LIU, Ho-Yih
Herbs, less often shrubs or trees; usually pubescent on the herbaceous parts. Leaves alternate, very rarely opposite, simple and mostly entire, rarely serrate, exstipulate, often with cystoliths. Inflorescence basically cymose, with the major branches commonly sympodially helicoid or scorpoid, terminal or lateral, rarely single flowers. Flowers mostly perfect, rarely unisexual, actinomorphic or slightly zygomorphic, pentamerous, or rarely tetramerous. Calyx campanulate or cup-shaped, lobes free or more or less coherent, sometimes accrescent or spreading after flowering. Corolla coherent in lower part, campanulate, rotate, tubular or funnelform, many genera with scale-like appendages (fornices) in the throat. Stamens as many as and alternate with the corolla-lobes; anthers dithecal, opening longitudinally. Ovary superior, bicarpellate, 2-locular, but often appearing 4-locular by means of false septa; style single, undivided or once to twice forked, gynobasic or terminal; stigma indistinct to capitate. Fruit a drupe or four (rarely two) nutlets.
About 100 genera, worldwide distribution; twelve genera in Taiwan.