HUANG, Tseng-Chieng
Perennial hermophroditic, monoecious or rarely dioecious herbs, containing watery, bitter or milky sap, with fleshy corm or creeping rhizome, rarely with woody and climbing stems, very rarely aquatic; calcium oxalate crystals generally present in the whole plant. Leaves simple or compound, solitary or few, mostly radical, when cauline then alternate and distichous or spirally arranged, entire to variously divided, often hastate or sagittate, with a membranaceous sheath at petiole base; blades netted- or parallel-veined, sometimes with marginal veins. Inflorescence a simple spadix more or less enclosed in a green, white or colored spathe, without bracteoles. Flowers numerous, small, bisexual, if unisexual, staminate usually above, pistillates below, neutral flowers sometimes found between staminate and pistillate parts; perianth none in unisexual flowers, present in bisexual ones, of 4-6 free or connate scalelike segments; stamens hypogynous, 2, 4, or 8, opposite perianth segments; anthers opening by pores or slits, free or united into a mass; staminoides sometimes present; ovary sessile, 1-3-celled, superior or immersed in spadix; style and stigma present and variable or absent; ovules one or more, parietal, axile, basal, or apical. Fruit a berry, 1-many-seeded; endosperm present or absent.
A family of 126 genera, about 1,800 species, distributed in all parts of the world, chiefly in tropical and subtropical regions. In Taiwan, 37 species and 3 varieties in 16 genera including naturalized plants have thus far been noted.
Wu, C. Y. and H. Li, Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae 13(2): 1-242. 1979. (Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin.)
Mayo, S. J., J. Bogner and P. C. Boyce, The Trustees, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. 370. 1997.
Ohashi, H, The University Museum, The University of Tokyo Material Reports . 1981.