Achyranthes 牛膝屬
Aerva 絹毛屬
Allmania 砂莧屬
Alternanthera 蓮子草屬
Amaranthus 莧屬
Celosia 青葙屬
Cyathula 川牛膝屬
Deeringia 漿果莧屬
Digera 瘤果莧屬
Gomphrena 千日紅屬
Philoxerus 安旱莧屬
Pupalia 鉤牛膝屬
Deeringia 漿果莧屬
Subdecumbent shrubs or erect herbs. Leaves petiolate, alternate. Flowers bisexual, axillary or terminal, spicate or racemose, racemes often paniculately; perianth-segments 5, rarely 4, 1-nerved, glabrous; stamens 4–5, filaments connate, forming a small cup below, staminodes none, anthers 2-celled; ovary ovoid or subglobose, with few to many ovules, stigmas 2 or 3, rarely 4, sessile, linear or clavate. Fruit a berry, globose, red or white, falling out of the persistent perianth when ripe; seeds few to many.
About eight species, in tropical Asia, Polynesia, Australia and Madagascar; two species in Taiwan.