Achyranthes 牛膝屬
Aerva 絹毛屬
Allmania 砂莧屬
Alternanthera 蓮子草屬
Amaranthus 莧屬
Celosia 青葙屬
Cyathula 川牛膝屬
Deeringia 漿果莧屬
Digera 瘤果莧屬
Gomphrena 千日紅屬
Philoxerus 安旱莧屬
Pupalia 鉤牛膝屬
Alternanthera 蓮子草屬
Annual or perennial herbs; stems prostrate or erect. Leaves opposite. Flowers in axillary head-like spikes, subtended by 3 bracteoles; perianth segments 5; stamens 3–5, alternating with pseudo-staminodes, anthers 1-celled, filaments united into a cup at base; ovary with a short style, stigma 1, capitate. Fruit a utricle; seeds lenticular.
About 100 species in tropical and subtropical regions; four species naturalized in Taiwan.